Saturday, November 28, 2009

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functional, reliable and aesthetically made it demands placed on the elements prepared by the engineering department of the company. Series production and uniqueness of t if you can combine these seemingly complete opposites ?. . In 1701 the project were downloaded from the court in Copenhagen Gottfried Wolfram, amber Frederick IV of Denmark. It can be assumed that had just started to use diamond charms for the use of these stones for ornamental purposes. It helps to remove blood poisoning, especially during appendicitis or gangrene. Applied at the area of \u200b\u200bthe pancreas, or worn directly on the body, improves insulin secretion and brings relief to diabetics. Drinking water in which soaked for 12 hours of lemons and applying to the mineral to the body - helps in the poisoning and intestinal excretion of toxins from the body. Elixir and water and treat eczema and other skin diseases. When you hunt down the blues and depression, is sprayed in a flat potion lemon, then put a citrine placed in the middle of the solar plexus. Diamond was known to the Greeks and Romans? Undoubtedly yes, and made especially Alexander the Great and his chief Selenkos through his many expeditions against the Persians, who contributed to the remarkable revival of trade. Layer dominated by gray, pink and brown, rarely more vivid colors: red, green, black. -


Friday, November 27, 2009

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Alleviates symptoms of allergies, respiratory inflammation, sharpens the vision. Pendant Quartz with rutile quartz pendant with RutylemWspaniale doenergetyzowuje. The few specimens may contain small amounts of gold. Occurrence [edit] White crystals are conductors in Poland in many places in the Lower Silesia and in the Tatra Mountains. Secondary calcite strengthens the fossil so that specimens can be easily extracted from the parent rock or are released therefrom under the influence of external weather conditions. Great abundance, an excellent degree of preservation and ease of extraction of specimens from the bedrock caused the Elrathia kingii became popular among both professional collectors of fossils, as well as amateurs. On the Rosenberg Castle in Copenhagen survived a set of 18 silver platters of amber bottoms, made in 1585 Ring With lemon Königsberg by the goldsmith and amber Kniefela Andreas Stenzel Schmitt. Jewelry and ornaments made of precious metals, often combined with precious stones, have been worn since ancient times by people of all cultures to enhance self-esteem, as a sign of social status, a sign of religiosity, social, or political affiliation. -

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

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Giant in this role to meet the guild organizations and individuals not affiliated to practicing the profession. Appeared on the course of the Romans. Amber has been valued and is also the Middle and Far East. . The Roman custom of giving wedding ring as a guarantee of completion of the marriage contract was sanctioned by the church, Jeweller Grain and then, at the beginning of the thirteenth century, popularized. But we must remember that the idea of \u200b\u200bjewelry worn by the man originated from the need demonstrations of some beliefs and symbols, póśniej and only took over the purely aesthetic. -

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. The king called the Diamond Blue Diamond of the Crown and for the next 118 years was hidden gems along with the French koronacyjnymi often transplanted from one product to another jeweler. Jewelry AfrykańskaRozległy African continent produced a beautiful and diverse jewelry since prehistoric times. But just as happens in the case of human jewelry, jewelry for the dog is often proof of position and wealth, and also love the owner to Yorkie. This precious stones for centuries served mostly as decorations, and were a symbol of power and wealth. Persian legend says that gems were created by the devil to rise to greed and temptation among the people. * With tiger's eye quartz heating is obtained by artificial means, are a large part in the trade of buffalo around quartz See also: twinkling variety of quartz, tiger's eye quartz, quartz cat's eye, falcon's eye quartz, quartz, cat's eye = cymofan. This mineral chalcedony, a variety skrytokrystalicznej, quartz silica (SiO2) with a fibrous structure. The name comes from the city of Chalcedon on the Bosporus t located in Asia Minor and concerns itself no more than milk or opal specimens. Their beautiful color, which is intrinsically associated with love, aroused admiration, and the fact that clean stones are very rare, only a desire to deepen their ownership. Maybe that's why an expert stone fortress, with its power of healing involves cleaning the physical body and so. -


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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Above all, I appreciate the opportunity for direct contact with customers - is one of the currencies of our family business. After polishing, the form can be kaboszonu confused with opalemKwarc azurytowy = blue quartz otherwise Jewelry Stores sapphire, azure quartz, crocidolite. Coarse-grained variety of quartz with a blue tint. For the rubies from Burma are typical short needles of rutile (titanium oxide), which form a kind of star - a fact that asteryzm. The work Kautilji can not be inferred that the diamonds were used as precious stones for ornamental purposes. Rings very common in ancient Rome, were mostly made of iron, because the wearing of gold rings were entitled only to the Roman senators and senior government officials. Worn on body around the solar plexus, causes Jeweler Com Www they forget about their shyness, anxieties and fears, and thus can focus on the responses, klasówkach or during exams. For our discussion and answer the question posed in the title of greatest importance is the Sanskrit manuscript of the first proof of diamonds. High refractive index (2.42) and strong dispersion of light gives rise to bursts of fire inside the polished crystal. Diamonds were already known in 3000 BC The earliest traces of Silver was discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia, where, as a result of archaeological excavations, found silver coins, bracelets and necklaces. Their proof is basalt rock t magma exploited in a number of quarries in the vicinity Zlotoryja and Jawor. Represents stability, strength, adherence to the principles, sacrifice, but also attractive and the achievement of those objectives. - Jewelry Classifieds

Monday, November 16, 2009

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remaining two, one of which probably belonged to the Polish queens were made of gilded silver. APPLES ROYAL t In 1792 the Crown was Skarcu Five royal apples. Often, the inside of the bride and groom wedding rings engraving your names, wedding date, or other important sign for them. Ring through its form and material of which it was made, both now and thousands of years Excelsior Jeweler ago, to symbolize the union of two people love a great and immortal. Jewellery is a small gold ornaments, jewelry, worn as ornaments, for example, inspired by all those who need the gift of eloquence, or the art of persuasion. Decision making. Harmonizes the emotions, makes us flexible and open changes in our lives. It is used in medical problems in the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat and thyroid. Its vibration frequencies correspond to the throat chakra. Citrine - kamieńCytryn - kamieńKliknij to enlarge quartz belongs to the family. "Anyone who carries a lemon - is confident, open to the voice of intuition and thanks to commit in their daily lives less errors. Feature hardness), attempted to discern the power of the gods, their wszechpotęgi and omniscience, which permeates everything. Copenhagen - Royal Castle, Kassel - Hessen Landgraves court), and their articles devoted to the royal "kunstkammmer" where they could be admired alongside other works of art, and stored there, a variety of exotic curios. Amber KomnataNajsłynniejsze work arising from the royal custom was undoubtedly the Amber Room. For centuries, Asian warriors, were convinced that the possession of ruby \u200b\u200bmakes them nietykalnymi for all weapons of steel. For example, diamond with a color of a lotus flower was dedicated to Vishnu, one of the major gods of the Vedic pantheon, and the black diamond god Jamas, podrzędnemu deity uosabiającemu hell. -

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

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in crosses from Ethiopia and amulets of northwest Africa, and to emphasize social status, or economic. Galleries often have a huge collection of abstract and naturalistic designs of rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and brooches. Corals in warm waters form a giant coral reefs, which are billions of individuals of different species, significantly transforming the bottom. Albert the Great, who as it were, expands and complements the text of Pliny writes:. . but maybe he [referring to a diamond; note. - Jewelry Classifieds

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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Therefore, as in remote parts of the East, where incense and balm to sip, as the islands and Western countries are located - sądziłbym - more fertile forests and groves, where the sap wood, short-rays of the sun squeezed in a liquid state to the nearest sea are considered and the strength of storms on the shores of the pour. Cut diamond with a diagonal 6.5 mm has a weight of approximately 1 carat. The hardness of the material determines its stability during operation such as jewelry. . To strengthen its power to bind the gold and rubies bears closest to the skin so that it touches. Rating: 3.50 Click to rate: 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points 6 pktStarożytni Greeks attributed this stone t Hephaestus Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus. There is no clear demarcation of carnelian, which together present and has a similar use. Many on the market today is dyed sardów. This time, however, the main center for the arts, with artists like Doliot Wedding Jeweler, Ballin, and Froment-Germain Meuriee, becomes France. Especially liked them a queen Cleopatra, who in his Jewelry Artstyczna ordered to blow up the palace walls of his chambers ruby. A piece features Chavin mask surrounded by the heads of animals and pendants (Museum of the American Indian, New York). -

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

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promotes concentration, "anchors" of energy, enhances vitality, enhances our creative potential. Carnelian - A stone with zawieszkąZapobiega all manner of infections and infections, strengthening and influencing the immune system. In arranging the clips helped elaborate hairstyles, gold, silver or ivory, pearl or gold finished ball. The real jewelry with us for generations, seasons and trends, and the elapsed time is what creates it - is the motto of the company Chimento. This philosophy of creating product and brand recognition has resulted in products Chimento around the world. In addition to the products of ancient Egyptians, already discussed, North Africa is known for articles of silver, clean, and enamel, produced by Tuareg and other desert peoples.. -

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

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Approximately 75% of world production of gold is deposited as security for the emission of banknotes ore all countries of the world. As for us - people, minerals and precious stones are we really much to offer. Was it also in the Old Testament? So far, studies tend to contradict such an assertion. But there are women who have never assume they will put this type of jewelry, jewelry for them because it means the class, chic and elegance, which will not guarantee color wedding rings, gold rings and artificial. Each job by its very nature imposes certain standards to employees in both appearance and dress, it is not at all to enforce obedience, but for the safety and reputation of the company. . Poets compare it to the pure, innocent tears, but also a symbol of wealth, love and devotion, while less often as the image of a hard heart against human injustice and misery. The history of diamonds lost in the darkness of history. Of course you can discuss whether nicer and more valuable the Rings Gallery a medal struck by the formula made by the good, or even an eminent engraver, and similar in size and image of the medal is made by hand jeweler. The second trail led through the Mediterranean Sea and the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) in the direction Ulitma Thule, or the end of the world. Black can stand decidedly zaostać brightened by an extravagant red or pink, or effervescent clear glittering crystal. -

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

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Silver is one of the oldest known metals (they were used in ancient Egypt already 800 years BC. In the second half of the nineteenth century, after many experiments, Henry Morse from the U.S. showed the world the first modern cut diamond, it póśniej refined and mathematically described. It's hard to say what conditions direct owners of issuing huge amounts of money on trinkets for their beloved dogs. precursors of marine migrations, however, were the Phoenicians, who probably 1000 years earlier traveled to the area of \u200b\u200bJutland after jantar. But there are women who have never assume they will put this type of Jeweler Aren ornaments, for it means the class jewelry, chic and elegance, which will not guarantee color wedding rings, gold rings and artificial. Each job by its very nature imposes certain standards to employees in both appearance and dress, it is not at all to enforce obedience, but for the safety and reputation of the company. In the broadest sense of the term means jewelry items made from many kinds of natural and synthetic materials such as feathers, wood, leather, stones, bones, shells, glass, ceramics, metals Jeweler Classifieds and minerals. History biżuteriiNajstarsza t known and widely defined jewelry - was found about 22 thousand. Some operations can be automated, but many techniques used today has a pedigree stretching for thousands of years. Gold was one of the earliest known metals. But whether it was a successful test, the author is silent. Over time, with many authors appear to state that the diamond was not poison, but the cure. -

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Friday, July 31, 2009

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It is believed that the star arises due to three good spirits (Faith, hope and destiny), imprisoned in stone for minor offenses. Techniques of jewelry resembled those of the earlier period, raised or embossed labels are an essential element in jewelry, granulation was used by the Etruscan artists and refined to a very high level. The Roman custom of giving wedding ring as a guarantee of completion of the marriage contract was sanctioned by the Church, then, at the beginning of the thirteenth century, popularized. Many of the beautiful sets and other ornaments were created for the European royal houses, which for several hundred year failed to gather a huge collection of royal insignia, jewelry ancestral and private, unique, unique gemstones, such as the Koh-i-noor and Hope diamonds. This pattern was póśniej used by the Romans, who used a variety of stones in the middle of the model, and then surrounded by pearls. . It is not proven, that the word adamas related to any of the precious stone or concrete diamond. The second trail led through the Mediterranean Sea and the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) in the direction Ulitma Thule, or the end of the world. Precursors of marine migrations, however, were the Phoenicians, who probably already 1000 years earlier marched on in the Jutland area jantar. - Jewelry Classifieds

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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reduces tension and energetic blockages in the pelvic area. His lesson is: Learn to live here and now. Promotes concentration, "anchors" energies, strengthens the vitality, increases our creative potential. Tiger okoKamien This energy corresponds to the vibration of the third chakra - solar plexus. Thanks to the vibrations of the stone we can activate your own energy, awaken your sense of security without having to adhere to and hold onto what is material and tangible. Glogerowi, Cracow known goldsmith, signed by the Bishop of Krakow, Castellan of Cracow and the mayor and two councilors. It protects them and also makes a firm grip on the ground to maintain a healthy balance. All varieties of obsidian are good for people soft. Promotes concentration, "anchors" of energy, enhances vitality, enhances our creative potential. Carnelian - A stone with zawieszkąZapobiega all manner of infections and infections, strengthening and influencing the immune system. However, the name in the literature adamas Greek and Roman remains, assuming different meaning over time and eventually become synonymous with diamond. The ancient Egyptians had silver mines in Nubia and Ethiopia, the Greeks in Engagement Ring White Gold Attica, and the Romans in Spain. In addition, it is in the history of the company's market experts see a model developing the brand since its inception to the present day. Her story begins in 1964 in the town of Grisignano di Zocco - in the province of Vicenza, where Adriano Chimento began manufacturing operations. . Jewelry twenty-first century is a perfect complement to any outfit, acting in the greatest glory, but just like centuries ago, as a sign of status and wealth, but above all, the determinant of an individual style. Villagers Polish caring every day for a home, food and clothing, were involved in a satisfying their needs with the position and authority in the environment. -

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

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. These major widely advertise their products in order to maximize control of the market, the smaller spin tales about their expertise, and finally, others claim to be jewelers-professionals because they can buy and cut meter-long gold chains would then offer them as birthday or small chains Communion. In determining the value of rough specimens Jade takes into account its color, it is also important hut serpentine excesses and any cracks. In the available literature are given hints ready selection of stones, but you can follow your own intuition. This stone is recommended especially for all the interesting esoteric, parapsychology and spiritualism. . Your hidden wealth. Diamond is a valuable and beautiful gift aesthetic value of diamonds is noticeable at first glance. - Jewelry Classifieds

Thursday, June 4, 2009

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. . The few specimens may contain small amounts of gold. Occurrence [Edit] White crystals are conductors in Poland in many places in the Lower Silesia and in the Tatra Mountains. It is interesting that the only person you have not reached any misfortune was an American jeweler Harry Winston. Tavernier once again went to India in the hope that the loss of reward, but unfortunately lost his life torn apart by a horde of wild dogs. Same result in business relationships and cultural influences of the Roman civilization, this translates into faster growth, leading to the creation of state structures. Now, Amber, in addition to aesthetic experience gives us a knowledge of history and, thanks to its preserved insects, the extinct fauna of the Tertiary. Our store is limited to what is true only for the aesthetic features of amber, but we recommend this feature - amber stone is truly fascinating. Amber organic stone, which was created from fossilized Christine Jeweler conifer resin. . History has shown that at the time of the introduction of tags, necklaces and other jewelry items manufactured by machine, they were enthusiastically received, and such products within a short period of time killed off the activity of low quality goldsmiths. This is done to kilograms and meters, produced by specialized machine tool chains, cast and extruded into a thousand pieces, and to all comers pendants and rings, but depreciated by the higher-end manufacturers and jewelers, are present and are in greater proportion in the market. . The priests of the pharaohs, the heirs will mythical secrets of Atlantis, extremely mysterious methods familiar to avant-garde modern science begins today, only to rediscover by other means. . - Silver Jewelry