Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is Singer Sammie Dating Someone

"Las Moment"

Although tried on the next trip to the mountains almost from the first days after returning from leave, until today, quickly decided to go in Beskid Slaski . Our choice fell on Ustroń where we wanted to climb in the company of our kids to Czantoria. Already in place, it turned out that suddenly decided it real ' Las Moment ', as proclaimed in the ads ustrońskim tourist office, whose name mercifully silent. But do foty, even the phone itself, I could not refuse. Being in shock, I wondered at first whether even this is not the case as a proper name does not try on ' Las Palmas ", hanging next to identical but offer' Las Moment 'of holidays in Croatia definitely stopped this line of thinking. In desperation, kombinowałem that maybe it is about a mega-deal bargain sales and the advertising slogan 'Las Monet', but after careful przeliterowaniu made sure that, and it is not. Amused we moved from the city towards the entrance to the uszliśmy trail and barely a few meters away from the speaker when mounted on the roof of homemade imported from beyond the western border of the VW Golf crashed on us' biggest show of exotic reptiles. Iguanas! Monitor lizards! Wenz '.

not know why I did not skusiliśmy, and after several minutes of arduous march stopped at the threshold of the blue trail, which, as contrasted with the noise of silence Retreat Centre, had lead us to the summit Czantoria. Nice for the eye lens and a cascade of water right at the beginning of the forest trail we took a good omen for the expedition, as a reality rather quickly verified.
Near siedmiokilometrowe steeply sloping approach, even though without a single flat piece of 11-pound toddler in a sling on her back and a 18-pound four year old who, after the first five meters of the approach found that her legs hurt already (although as the time came valiantly to beat on its own feet to the peak) gave us a pretty hard time. Coming up with ways to entertain and feeding Mary Martha (as she had every bite, it was not like roar) effectively umilało your time. On the occasion of frequent intermittent rests approach, I was able to verify one of the perennial problems of photography: How Mom holding the camera, everyone meekly stare at ... ... but when the camera is in the hands of the Father, despite exhortations by name, last name, pretending dog, cat, bird or a monkey, no one - outside the heavily zszokowanymi, passing alongside turystyami - is not interested look in the direction of the photographer. Therefore, as seen in one of these pictures I decided to turn his camera equipment to Hello Kitty, which, thanks to the removable front panels and pink eyes always focus photographed on the lens.

And though the whole trip was a real challenge, at least for my body is our climb ended up pretty nice in the end, because on top of Czantoria we had a lookout tower and from it a charming look at Ustroń ...... Beskidy and the rest of the mountain range. Landing devilishly planned in a way, because we used the invention in a cable car to Czantoria, which meant that for a few minutes our children speechless. Unfortunately, in the vicinity of the fifth column carrier, to our despair, provided they came back, so we returned home, surrounded by joyful children's hubbub.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ulcers Caused By Sweets

Fasten Your Seat Belt

As shown below, the safety car and it can be a beautiful idea.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Toilet Makes A Whooshing Noise

piece of my diploma

present the most colorful part of my thesis. I fought in 2008, so there is nothing new:) A few days ago I found a website which helps you better known PDFs