Monday, April 26, 2010

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After the conference, "The book is well-designed the artist's

April 23 in Silesian Library in Katowice took place conference entitled "Books for children - how is it done?". The conference was devoted to designing books for children, and it took part in faculty specializing in different areas of this issue. The conference began a lecture Dr. Anita Wincencjusz-Antiquing on the phenomenon of the Polish School of Illustration. The current situation on the Polish market of children's books said Mary Rice, vice president of the Polish Section of IBBY. About her work she told the Iwona Chmielewska and typography issues presented by Robert Oles. She also appeared Yadzia Williams, teacher of students studying design for children in the UK. Mr. Andreas Meyer told the audience a bit of creativity Janosha, which for many years. There are plenty of illustrations and interesting books. So far, only a classic illustration will put children and found (With great difficulty!) The internet works by Iwona Chmielewska. The examples of children's books will write yet another post;)

Szancer John Martin (born November 12, 1902 in Krakow, died. March 21, 1973) - Polish graphic designer, illustrator of children's books, a friend and collaborator John Brzechwy. Author of more than 200 illustrations for books, including Academy Lord Klex, O Janek, what dogs sewed shoes, Pinocchio, Mr. kitten was sick, and the Dwarfs Orphan Mary, Brzechwa children, locomotive, Rzepka, Bird Radio, The Nutcracker, fairy-tales, Fairy tales for adults and illustrated Satire I. Krasickiego, Mickiewicz's Pan Tadeusz, Sienkiewicz Trilogy, Book Amicis, Carlo Collodi, Cervantes, Hasek, Edith Nesbit, Pushkin, Swift, Twain.

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Present: Illustrations by Iwona Chmielewska
liked a lot unless all the participants of the conference. Great concepts and illustrations. The book, "Trouble" still presented as sketchy, provoked a spontaneous reaction of the audience, who rewarded the author with thunderous applause. It is hard to believe that Chmielewska is known in South Korea more than in Poland.


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